EnGreen has collaborated with Bibliothèques Sans Frontières (BSF) in Burundi on bringing education to those who are more in need, also by means of innovative technical tools, such as the Ideas Box – a media library in kit form designed by Philippe Starck – or the Ideas Cube – a digital and ultra-portable library.
Specifically, EnGreen has collaborated with BSF within the framework of the Twige Neza project, financed by the Global Partnership for Education and managed by the French Development Agency, and the Ideas Box Initiative, a multi-country project (including Lebanon and Iraq, among others). Thanks to the complementarity between the two projects, BSF has identified 4 youth centers and 6 schools for the installation of Ideas Cubes and Ideas Boxes in the Rumonge, Bujumbura mairie, Makamba and Ruyigi provinces. The multimedia capabilities of these solutions clearly highlight the nexus between energy and education, with the need for safe, reliable, and sustainable energy sources, especially in off-grid areas.
EnGreen has provided technical assistance to deploy such 10 solar systems to be paired with the Ideas Cubes and Boxes, with a focus on the technical specifications for the tender dossier, as well as on the technical budget, procurement and contracting procedures. Moreover, EnGreen has supported the supervision of installation processes.