EnGreen has emerged as a key player in fostering energy access and infrastructure development in the African continent in an era marked by a growing global awareness of the importance of sustainable energy solutions. With a focus on empowering rural communities and improving healthcare services, EnGreen’s involvement in projects funded by international organisations and humanitarian agencies has left a significant mark.
In Mozambique, EnGreen’s collaboration with ESI and the Belgian Cooperation Agency (ENABEL) have significant implications for rural development in the country. The project involves the establishment of three mini-grids in the Province of Nampula as integral components of a broader program known as the Renewable Energy for Rural Development (RERD), which is promoted by ENABEL and the national Energy Fund (FUNAE).
In addition to the support of rural development, Engreen has also been promoting the electrification of the healthcare sector. Leveraging our enhanced expertise in the health sector, Engreen has improved its capabilities and knowledge to focus on health electrification in four different countries: Mali, Burundi, and Libya.
The European Union’s Resilience Program for Burundi, which supports the UMUCO W’ITERAMBERE project, is one such initiative where EnGreen played a pivotal role. EnGreen provided essential technical assistance to the consortium led by the AVSI Foundation in partnership with the Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) for access to the electricity component. This endeavour aimed to provide rural populations in Burundi with access to modern, efficient, and sustainable basic energy services, thereby improving their quality of life.
In a similar way, EnGreen has been awarded by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to assess the potential of electrifying healthcare facilities in Mali. The study seeks to identify and address the barriers and challenges hindering the complete electrification of the health facility sector, particularly in rural areas where reliable energy sources are lacking. EnGreen has conducted field activities and energy audits as part of this project, working on the deployment of technical solutions and sustainable business models.
Finally, EnGreen’s involvement in the SHAM project in Lybia, a collaboration between the humanitarian organization HELPCODE and the Italian Cooperation and Development Agency (AICS), is yet another example of its commitment to making a positive impact. The SHAM project aims to provide adequate health and protective services while strengthening the resilience of vulnerable groups. EnGreen provided vital technical assistance to HELPCODE in developing the technical specifications for the tender dossier for the rehabilitation of health facilities.
EnGreen’s involvement in various international projects demonstrates its commitment to advancing sustainable energy solutions and improving living conditions in underserved regions. Through technical expertise and strategic partnerships, EnGreen has contributed significantly to addressing the energy needs of rural communities and the enhancement of healthcare services, furthering the cause of sustainable development on a global scale.