August 2024

Empowering Futures: The Long-Term Impact of Training and Mentorship in Renewable Energy

“My name is Tatyama Andrew, born and raised on the small and remote island of Kitobo in the Kalangala district on Lake Victoria, Uganda. Coming from a humble family background,
March 2024

Training of Trainers of Renewable Energies in the Phillippines

Services: training of trainers, capacity building, training material preparation
November 2023

EnGreen’s Role in Promoting Sustainable Energy Solutions in Africa

Services: desk research, data analysis, technical assistance in proposal design, and work supervision.
July 2023

“Training of Trainers” for the National University of Lesotho

Services: online lectures, training material preparation
July 2023

COSPE School in International Cooperation

Services: online lectures, training material preparation
July 2023

Micro-Grid Academy for Sustainable Energy Development

Services: online lectures, technical advisory and quality control.
July 2023

Solar Energy Qualification Frameworks and Curricula in ECOWAS, EAC and the Pacific Community

Services: technical assistance, capacity building and training courses
July 2023

Market Assessment for Sustainable Energy Supply Solutions in DRC

Services: data analysis and reporting, recommendation to develop project concepts
July 2023

Healthcare Electrification in Mali

Services: data collection, data analysis, energy audit reports
July 2023

Due diligence on mini-grid projects

Services: due diligence on projects.
February 2023

Mozambique Investment Academy

Services: online and in person lectures, material preparation, workshops.
November 2022

Green Climate Fund concept notes

Services: concept note development, strategic advisory
PUE for Burundi
October 2022

Productive Use of Energy (PUE) for Burundi

Services: technical advisory
September 2022

Water-Energy-Food nexus solution in MENA and Niger Basin regions

Services: desk research, data analsys, stakeholder consultation, market assessment, business model design and financial planning.
August 2022

Productive use of energy study

Services: data collection, data analsys, stakeholder consultation, market assessment, business model design and financial planning.
July 2022

Ideas Cubes and Boxes as innovative education tools

Services: technical advisory on budgets, procurements and contracts.
July 2022

TERESA project: TEchnology for Rural Electrification in sub-Saharan Africa

Services: technical advisory, data inputs, capacity building.
June 2022

SHAMS project: Sustainable Healthcare Access for municipalities in the South of Libya

Services: technical advisory on budgets, procurements and contracts.
April 2022

Construction of 3 hybrid mini-grids in the Provinces of Zambézia and Nampula

Services: project management and site management.
April 2022

Electrification of the Kigutu Hospital

Services: project management and technical advisory.
March 2022

Feasibility Study of 11 hybrid mini-grids

Services: data collection, energy need assessment, engineering design, budget and financial planning.
October 2021

Private Developer’s Mini-grid Strategy

Services: strategic advisory.
May 2021

Energy Market Assessment

Services: desk research, stakeholder consultation, market assessment.
March 2021

UMUCO W’ITERAMBERE: Supporting the resilience of the people of Burundi

Services: technical assistance in proposal design, demand assessment, engineering technical design, business models, procurement, contracting, work supervision, training courses.
November 2020

Best practices for piloting of Energy Cooperatives in Moldova

Services: technical and economic modelling.
August 2020

Capacity building programs on mini-grids

Services: development of learning material, and provision of video learning.
July 2020

Mini-grid Stakeholder Mapping in Africa

Services: desk research and strategic advisory.
June 2020

Data collection for mini-grid development in the Nyagatare district

Services: site mapping, data collection, mission report with overall advisory on challenges and recommendations.
June 2020

Feasibility study of 5 hybrid mini-grids in the Provinces of Zambézia and Nampula

Services: data collection, engineering design, budget and financial planning.
September 2019

Sustainable energy Services for rural DRC

Services: technical advisory in proposal design, energy need assessment, procurement, contracting, execution and shadowing of start-up phase.
August 2019

Ilumina Project: access to energy for local development and women empowerment

Services: technical advisory in proposal design, procurement, contracting, execution and shadowing of start-up phase.
July 2019

RE-thinking Access to Energy Business Models

EnGreen has contributed to one of the most impactful publications promoted by RES4Africa Foundation with the role of overall editor and co-author. “RE-thinking Access to Energy Business Models. Ways to
June 2019

Feasibility Study of a hydroelectric mini-grid in Nintulo

Services: data collection, data analysis, energy need assessment, simulation of solar-PV hybridization.
April 2019

Solar hybrid mini-grid in the villages of Rutenderi

Services: site identification, proposal design, fund raising, project coordination and O&M management.
March 2019

Energy and training services for a sustainable growth in Bukasa island

Services: site identification, proposal design, fund raising, project coordination and O&M management.
February 2019

Solar hybrid mini-grid in the villages of Gatoki

Services: site identification, proposal design, fund raising, project coordination and O&M management.
October 2018

External evaluation of an EU funded energy project

Services: solutions renouvelables pour les services publics de base’ (Tunisia).
March 2018

Energy Need Assessment of off-grid communities

Services: responsible for data collection campaign, data analysis and energy demand profiling.
October 2016

Ndurumo sustainable energy partnership

Services: site identification, proposal design, fund raising, business development.
August 2016

“Wei-Wei” hydro-agricultural development in Sigor

Services: Irrigation network design and works supervision.
February 2015

Sustainable energy services for Kitobo island

Services: baseline of the 20 most representative communities for a cluster of 100 villages, feasibility study of two Minigrids to supply energy to two green farms.
November 2014

Hydroelectric mini-grid for rural electrification of El Dictamo Village

Services: load assessment, feasibility study, preliminary technical design, definition of technical specifications, supervision on EPC project, definition of management model, training on O&M of local technicians.
May 2014

Ikondo energy project

Services: site management assistance during civil works.
April 2013

“Ecosystems” Project

Services: Micro- hidro power plant construction for forest conservation and resources management. Community engagement and project coordination.
November 2012

Conservation of biodiversity in the productive landscapes of the Honduran Moskitia

Services: climate change resilience and risk reduction technical assistance, housing model design and pre-feasibility studies of off-grid solar PV systems.
December 2008

Solar Water Heater self-construction for farmers communities

Services: Technical training, capacity building, design and construction of solar collectors.