The main objective of ENERGIZE+ (GA n. 101167570) is to demonstrate the feasibility of cooperative energy models in industrial areas across the EU. By fostering energy collaboration, the project aims to achieve significant carbon reduction also proposing technical,...
The main objective of HARMONISE (GA n. 101138595) is to provide an End-to-End interoperable & hierarchical solution to support, encourage and scale up the transformation of traditional districts to Positive Energy Districts (PEDs). HARMONISE will support the...
SUPREMAS (GA n. 101160713) objective is to enable circular value chains where multiple residues, discarded from different processes, will be valorized providing electricity, heat and cooling and new materials. SUPREMAS will develop cost-effective modular and movable...
The main objective of HarvRESt (GA n. 101136904) is to improve the existing knowledge on alternatives for farms decarbonisation, maximising synergies between RES installations and sustainable agricultural practices. This will result in a decision support system able...
The EMERGE project (GA n. 101118278) seeks to provide African policy makers, academics, investors, and citizens with the tools and knowledge required to increase the production of clean energy and the sustainable use of resources. EMERGE will co-design and test a...
OptiMG is an initiative funded under the LEAP-RE H2020 project (GA n. 963530) which is looking at the creation of synergies among African and European continents with the intention of promoting Sustainable Development Goals and universal energy access. The main...